Sunday 9 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Anyone who knows me will know that I'm not always the most festive person when it comes to Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it, I love buying presents for people, seeing all of my family, I love Christmas traditions. However, when the Christmas hype starts in October I'm kind of bored by it all by the time it gets to December. It would be much more exciting if it was all contained within December.
This is the first Christmas in a long time that I have time free to actually enjoy it. The last 3 years I've had looming University deadlines resulting in me burying myself in paperwork until Christmas day itself. Having a job now and a relatively disposable income has bought more enjoyment to the present buying side of thing allowing me to treat my family and friends.

Despite me rambling about my feelings on Christmas, this post was initially intended for me to share a couple of photos with you all. Everyone has one thing, kind of like a tradition I guess, that lets them know Christmas is on it's way. Mine is the spectacular display of lights on a house around the corner from mine. Every single year for months and months, this guy spends hours creating a lighting masterpiece on every inch of his house. People come from miles around to see it and it usually makes news headlines. He collects donations for charity, it's an all round feel good event.
The moment his lights go on, it's Christmas.

Christmas. Lights. Festive. Lighting display.

Christmas. Lights. Festive. Lighting display.

I apologise for the picture quality, I didn't have my DSLR on me so had to make do with my digital compact.

(This was on the news yesterday so I thought I'd update my post and add the link for you all to see) 


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