Thursday, 6 December 2012

New Christmas/Winter hat!

I have a backlog of things I want to blog about seeing as I have been slacking recently! So for the next few posts and the previous two I shall revert to being a chain blogger to get it all out of my system. Then I shall hopefully restore consistency...

I am fully aware that this post may not be quite as exciting for those of you who read it as it is for me, but I shall go ahead and share anyway!
My first words to my friend as we entered Cribs to go Christmas shopping were 'Don't let me buy anything for myself, I have to get presents!'. Her dedication to this request was somewhat questionable as she pointed out a hat for me in River Island as I was attempting to find a Wallet for my dad. 
After seconds of deliberation, I was the proud owner of a new Knitted Bobble Beanie.. Well, I have to keep my head warm somehow! It is winter after all.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good easy to wear winter hat! It's warm but really lightweight so doesn't constantly feel like it's about to fall off. I've also noticed that men's hats are a better fit than womens (maybe I just have a large head?) but either way, for £13 it's a perfect treat for Christmas!

Beanie Hat. River Island. Mens

Just in case you wondered what it looked like on my head...

I wanted to share the shirt I may have also bought for myself in Topshop, but they don't appear to have it on their website :(
Aside from the hat and the shirt, I did actually manage to complete almost all of my Christmas shopping... I've surprised myself with how early I'm all done. I've also surprised my bank account... Oops.


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