Thursday, 6 December 2012


 A lot has happened since I last posted. I have no excuse for my severe lack of posts, I guess I let my creative side take a back seat for a while whilst I was getting things in order after finishing uni.(Apologies in advance if this is a long one!)
Finishing University has probably been one of the most emotionally fueled things I have ever experienced. Initially, when I handed that last project in and had a month of summer to enjoy in Southampton with all my uni friends, there was an overwhelming sense of relief. This however subsided considerably the day we shut our front door to our uni house for the last time and handed in the keys. It felt like the last scene in the last episode of friends, but less glorified and a lot more upsetting. I think it's fair to say we all shed a little tear (guys included) at having to accept the fact it was all over.
I won't go in to how it was the best 3 years of my life, as I would be writing forever. I will however say this; people have always told me that you find yourself at uni and make friends for life, it isn't until I look back at the experience that I realise how much it has shaped me as a person. I get a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about it being over accompanied by the biggest smile when I remember how amazing it all was. I have no regrets and would do it all again in a heartbeat.

In slightly happier news, I GRADUATED :)
I now officially have a BA (Hons) degree in hair and makeup design for music, film and photography. The ceremony was on November 19th and was the marker for the beginning of the best week of my entire life so far (I imagine it would be hard to beat).
Let me say firstly that behind all of the smiles, it was potentially the most stressful day I have experienced! Gale force winds, rain, gowns and mortar boards are not a good combination!
I don't want to bore you with details of the ceremony, or the entire week for that matter, so I will say it through video clips and photos! Meeting up with my friends again made me a little camera happy, it was so nice to be back with everyone.

Aside from having to walk on stage in front of hundreds of people in a gown and hat, our ceremony was also streamed live to the whole world. 
Obviously I had to invest in a dress for the ceremony. Now this is probably exciting for most girls, but I'm more of a converse and shirts kind of girl so the prospect of a dress and heels was a little daunting. In the end I settled on this dress from New Look.
Graduation. Southampton Guildhall. 
Graduation. Southampton.

As much as I would love to sit here posting photos endlessly, I'll save the hundreds of photos for Facebook and settle for just the 2 on here!


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