Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Saint Valentines Day.

Love letter and rose - weheartit.com

It seemed only appropriate to post about Valentines day, a day you will either love or hate, usually based on principle or on the basis of your current relationship status. Bitterness can turn the most romantic of gestures witnessed into something you despise, but perhaps that's just to cover up a quiet jealousy? 

I'm quite indifferent when it comes to Valentines day, the history behind it and the reasons for such a day are indeed romantic, but that is always lost under an abundance of material gestures of love. It shouldn't be the only day of the year where you aim to make someone feel loved or wanted, it should just provide an occasion to accommodate your constant affection for your partner or desired one. 

This post however isn't about the gifts, flowers, chocolates etc. that have become a commercialised part of Valentines Day as we know it, but about the literature that can come from the passion and emotion Valentines day derived from.
Love poems are not difficult to come across and I'm sure you have all read at least one at some time of your life, whether published or personally written for you. Words can say so much more than a bunch of flowers. Ink on paper may seem simple, but in my opinion, there is nothing more personal or more real than a hand written poem intended for a loved one. After all, less really is more in some cases.
Although it is not certain what the first Valentines poem ever written is, it is thought possible that love poems sent from Charles
, Duke of Orleans whilst imprisoned in the Tower of London to his wife in France in 1415 is one of the 'first'.

'Wilt thou be mine? Dear love, reply
Sweetly consent, or else deny;
Whisper softly, none shall know,
Wilt thou be mine, love? Aye or no?'

Short, to the point but overflowing with emotion, to me this is what Valentines day should be about. Subtle unwavering declarations of emotion, not artificial material gestures that take mere seconds to purchase.


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