Monday, 29 April 2013


Dreamcatchers are something that I have always admired from a very young age. They are effortlessly elegant and regardless of colour, design or size - always beautiful. The intricacies of the design combined with the simplicity of the concept result in something that can provide both aesthetic admiration and personal meaning to the individual.

Dreamcatchers originate from the Native American Ojibwa Tribe; believed to be protective charms, Dreamcatchers are traditionally made with Willow Hoops and decorated with items such as beads, feathers and arrow heads. The Ojibwa believed that the dreamcatcher has the ability to protect a sleeping person by changing their dreams.

'Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through... Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.' (Konrad J. Kaweczynski)

The feathers are a significant part of the design when it comes to traditions and beliefs - it is believed that the good dreams that pass through the net would slide down the feathers to the sleeping person. The design and the belief are equally elegant and gracious. Regardless of your personal beliefs or superstitions it's hard to argue that the intentions behind such a charm are anything but well meaning and comforting.

A couple of weeks ago during a conversation with my girlfriend I mentioned how I had never had a Dreamcatcher but had always wanted one. She bought me one as a gift and it now hangs pride of place in my window.
If you read my blog you won't be surprised by what will come next... I couldn't resist taking a few photographs!

Dreamcatcher. Feathers. Beads. Dreams. Photography.

Dreamcatcher. Beads. Feathers. Photography.

Dreamcatcher. Beads. Feathers. Photography.

Dreamcatcher. Beads. Feathers. Photography.


Friday, 12 April 2013


This is a huge topic and is something I will in no way attempt to tackle.
Love - something we all experience at some point in our lives. I personally believe that no two people have the same experience of love, something so personal and pure must feel different to each individual. Maybe that's why it's so difficult to define?
I've been thinking about how something so intense and consuming is so difficult to put in to words.
Something that you are meant to express is sometimes impossible to do fully. To write about love it not to write about emotions or thoughts, but feeling - both physical and emotional. It's the emotional feeling that is the hardest to describe, how can you put something in to words that has no physical form? Something that only you can ever experience. There are no words for something so individual.

I was wondering whether love has the same effect on photography in terms of subject matter. Is it possible to 'capture' love? or is it merely a recreation of the expectations, stereotypes and generalisations of love?
I did some research and was surprised by how difficult it was to find good photographs among the abundance of love themed images of hearts and generic couples.

I came across a few images which stood out to me and neither really scream love at you but there is something about them that I think has a deeper meaning. Maybe I have just read in to it too much, but;

This image, although technically one of the 'generic couple' photos I was just complaining about, is actually the one image that I felt powerful enough to use as an example.
Granted, it isn't the most aesthetically pleasing photo, the rooftops aren't exactly picturesque, the sky isn't perfectly clear and the couple are, well, ordinary. But actually, those are the exact reasons I like it. It's simple, effortless and surprisingly natural. Isn't that what love should be?
I love the contrast between the harsh skyline and the romance of the couple, the shoe carelessly left on the roof. The fact they're on a rooftop feels like an escape and the fact the sky isn't at all perfectly clear just adds to the intensity. Such an open expanse is impossible to comprehend, perhaps even impossible to put into words...

In all, the photo is very ordinary, but depending on what you want from it, it is capable of providing contrasts and perhaps is getting close to capturing love, or at least a fraction of it.


Paramore - Still into you (official video)

If you haven't seen it yet, watch it now before you read any further.

I don't even know where to begin explaining how much I LOVE this video!
It could not be more different to any of their previous videos yet it works so perfectly. It fits effortlessly with the feel of the new album, it's fun, carefree, exciting and new.
Granted, the actual video may not fit perfectly with the lyrics, but on the other hand, the visuals match the mood so it depends on where you stand on literal videos.

For me personally I love seeing Paramore like it, it's fun and enjoyable to watch. I can't recall another video in which Hayley dances and it makes a nice change to see such an involvement with the music as opposed to a scripted video like 'Now' and 'Playing God' for example.

From a fashion, hair and makeup perspective, Hayley never disappoints. She is without doubt one of those people we all envy who can pretty much get away with wearing anything that would most likely make the rest of us look like a thrift shop had exploded.
We've seen the orange and pink hair before but more so as solid colour as opposed to a combination. It is safe to say that I haven't been a fan of Hayleys fringe of late, there was something about it that wasn't working. However, in this video everything pulls together to create an extremely powerful, memorable look that we all love to see.
The makeup is interesting as despite the amount, it gives Hayley a much softer elegant look. There is a much more girly feel to how she looks in this video as opposed to the majority of the styles in the others. And again this fits in well with the carefree/fun element of the video.

The tights - I think they speak for themselves, they are incredible and anyone who can pull off wearing them is extremely lucky!

For anyone who's interested in the style breakdown;

I'm sure there will be more Paramore updates as more songs and videos from the album are released but for now, I am all Paramored out!

Enjoy the video!

Paramore - Paramore

For me this was the most anticipated album in years. With 'Brand new eyes' being released in September 2009, what seems like an eternity of waiting is finally over! For anyone who likes Paramore you'll know that as a band there have been a lot of changes over the last few years, with two members leaving. With such a big change in band that has a very distinctive sound there were questions as to what should be expected from this 4th album.

Of course, they did not disappoint and I personally feel that the self titled album 'Paramore' is definitely on par with their previous releases.
The album consists of 17 tracks, a combination of full length songs and shorter acoustic interludes. The interludes -  to paraphrase Hayley from the Radio 1 live lounge interview - are to allow the listening audience to see a different side to Paramore as it is something they feel isn't seen as often as the other elements of the band and band members.

The album as a whole feels new. It feels like a new Paramore, a new sound, a new look, a new energy and excitement. However despite this there is no doubt that it's the same Paramore as ever. The vocals are incredible, lyrics heartfelt and meaningful, the album perfectly and emotionally depicts the stories behind each song and developments over the years. In a way it feels like Paramore have rejuvinated as opposed to reinvented. There is a new found excitement, you can hear the fun and the passion in the songs as opposed to perhaps a slightly more negative vibe that came from 'Brand new eyes'

Each track on the album is distinctly different and each has its own story, own mood and sound. For example, 'Ain't it fun' is a track that would perhaps seem out of place on an album like 'Riot!' but fits in perfectly here, with a fun unique sound that contrasts drastically with 'Hate to see your heart break' for example, Paramore have really explored every avenue of their musical capability and are rightly displaying all the sides of themselves that maybe we hadn't realised were there before.

It's fresh, fun and exciting which is exactly how music should be. I don't think they could have gotten it more right and I highly recommend you listen ASAP.

Stepping away from the music for a while, as you know I love album artwork, disc covers and the general visuals of a hardcopy album. The look and feel of the album has the same effect as the music itself. It's new, fresh, different and aesthetically pleasing.

Paramore, 'Paramore', Album, music, 2013

Paramore, 'Paramore', Album, Music, 2013

Paramore, 'Paramore', Album, Music, CD, Disc, 2013
As opposed to the red, white and black of Riot! and the Blues of All we know is falling and Brand new eyes, 'Paramore' certainly gives off a different vibe. It feels more personal, more energetic and much more involved than before.

If this is the direction Paramore are heading then I cannot wait to hear what comes next!


Paramore. BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge, April 13.

I apologise now as I am about to bombard you with 3 Paramore related blog posts...
It has taken me a few days longer than I would have liked to get around to posting these but better late than never - hopefully!

Okay so firstly, in anticipation of the release of their new album, Radio 1 had Paramore as guests in the Live Lounge last week. To any of you who listen to Radio 1 and appreciate good live music then you will understand that a favourite artist combined with Live Lounge is more than enough grounds for extreme excitement.

Live lounge traditions see artists play one of their own songs and a mystery cover. However, due to the distance traveled Paramore were given an extra slot so the playlist went as follows;

Still into you
Matilda (Alt-J cover)
Hate to see your heart break

This is an extremely exciting playlist for me for more than one reason. The first obviously being that any sound that leaves Hayleys mouth is vocal perfection. The mystery cover could not have been more perfect! I love Alt-J and Matilda is such a beautiful song, hearing Paramore cover it in such a stripped back pure way was incredible and is easily my favourite live lounge cover to date.

Secondly, 'Hate to see your heart break' was a world exclusive and was aired before they were set to premier the track later that evening, for anyone who appreciates new music you'll know that that is a pretty big thing.

I won't make this any longer than necessary but I strongly recommend checking out the other two live lounge performances on youtube as if you're a fan you won't be disappointed and if you're not, well you just might be surprised!
